Remember, l was a kid once, too.
So, come on, it's someone at school. Right?
- Yeah.
- Uh-huh. Good, good.
And what does she, he, feel about you?
SHE doesn't even know my name.
And even if she did, she'd despise me.
She's the coolest girl in school.
And everyone worships her
because she's heaven.
Good. Good.
basically you're fucked, aren't you?
Hi there and welcome back.
So, three weeks till Christmas, looks like
the real competition is gonna be Blue.
l saw them on the show last week.
They weren't very nice about my record.
No. Little scamps.
But very, very talented musicians.
Yeah. l understand you've got a prize
for our competition winners.
Yes, l have, Ant or Dec.
lt's a personalised felt-tip pen.
Oh, great.
lt's brilliant. lt even writes on glass,
so if you've got a framed picture,
like, for instance, this one of Blue,
you can just write on it.
Er, a lot of kids watching, Billy.
Oh, yeah.
Hiya, kids.
Here's an important message
from your Uncle Bill -
don't buy drugs.
Become a pop star
and they give you them for free.
And l do believe it's a commercial break.
We'll see you soon. Bye-bye.