Er, yes, Peter.
Mr President, has it been a good visit?
Very satisfactory indeed.
We got what we came for
and our special relationship
is still very special.
Prime Minister?
l love that word ''relationship''.
Covers all manner of sins, doesn't it?
l fear that this has become
a bad relationship.
A relationship based on
the President taking what he wants
and casually ignoring all those things
that really matter to, erm...
We may be a small country
but we're a great one, too.
The country of Shakespeare,
Churchill, the Beatles,
- Sean Connery, Harry Potter.
- David Beckham's right foot.
David Beckham's left foot, come to that.
And a friend who bullies us
is no longer a friend.
And since bullies only respond to strength,
from now onward,
l will be prepared to be much stronger.
And the President
should be prepared for that.
Mr President!
lt's your sister on line four.
All right. Er, yes, l'm very busy
and important, how can l help you?
Have you gone completely insane?
- You can't always be sensible.
- 'You can if you're Prime Minister.'
- lt's the Chancellor on the other line.
- lt isn't!
- 'l'll call you back.'
- No, you won't!
The trouble with being the Prime Minister's
sister is it puts your life into perspective.
What did my brother do today?
He fought for his country.