- Yeah, erm,
Mary, can we move the Japanese
ambassador to four o'clock tomorrow?
- Certainly, sir.
- Terrific. Thanks so much.
Erm. Would you like the last, er...?
Thank you very much but no.
lf you saw my sister, you'd understand why.
That's all right, more for me.
Just don't go eating it all yourself,
you're getting chubbier every day.
l'm very lucky l've got a constitution
where l never put on weight.
- Hello.
Oop. Sorry.
- Thank you.
- Não!
- Eu peço imensa desculpa.
- Oh, no. Hold on.
- God, it's half the book. Oh, no.
- Que desastre.
Just leave them, please!
They're not important.
They're not worth it!
Stop! Stop.