You'd think I was a leper.
They thought you were
coming for a collection.
They thought I wanted their money?
No, they thought the Pope
wanted their money.
Every time
a new priest comes,
they have to pay Rome
for the privilege of sacraments.
Nulla salus extna ecclesiamm.
This debate has raged
for over 1,400 years,
from the earliest days
of the church,
but now
the Fifth Lateran Council
has reaffirmed
Saint Cyprian's famous dictum,
"Nulla salus extna ecclesiamm...
outside the Holy Roman church,
there is no salvation."
Professor Carlstadt.
What of the Greek Christians?
The Greek Christians?
Well, an early church document
clearly states
that a Roman bishop,
not a Greek,
was Saint Peter's successor.
And, of course,
it was Peter whom our Lord Christ
made His representative on earth.
So we must consider the saints
of the Greek church to be damned?
You miss the point.
But that is the inevitable
consequence of Cyprian's claim...
Greek Christians
are outside salvation.
Or is this claim based on
an over-literal reading
of Matthew 16:18...
"Thou art Peter, and upon this rock,
I will build my church."
Yet two lines earlier,
in verse 16,
we find the very foundation
of our faith...
"You are the Christ,
the Son of the living God."
Surely the more universal
we make these great words,
the nearer we come
to the mind of Christ.
You question the authority
of the church council, sir?
Not at all.
Though in 1215,
the Fourth Lateran Council
allowed that Cyprian
could be wrong
and salvation
could exist outside the church...