Now they have made me
a doctor of divinity,
and I'm tempted to believe
that this scholar's robe
will make me wise.
Well, God once spoke
through the mouth of an ass.
Perhaps he's about to
do so again.
But I'll tell you straight
what I think.
Who here has been to Rome?
Did you buy an indulgence?
I did.
For a silver florin, I freed
my grandfather from Purgatory.
For twice that, I could have sprung
grandma and Uncle Marcus too,
but I didn't have the funds,
so they had to stay in the hot place.
As for myself,
the priests assured me
that by gazing at sacred relics,
I could cut down
my time in Purgatory.
Luckily for me, Rome had
enough nails from the Holy Cross
to shoe every horse in Saxony.
But there are relics
elsewhere in Christendom.
Eighteen out of twelve apostles
are buried in Spain.
And yet here in Wittenberg,
we have the pick of the crop...
bread from the Last Supper,
milk from the Mirgin's breast,
a thorn that pierced
Christ's brow on Calvary,
and 19,000 other bits
of sacred bone,
all authenticated sacred relics.
Even John Tetzel himself...
Inquisitor of Poland and Saxony,
seller of indulgences
connoisseur of relics,
envies oun collection:
To possess them
for a single night,
he would willingly surrender
five years of his earthly life:
Or 500 years in Purgatory.