
These words mean...
It's no good?
You must put your trust
in God's love.

Save your money
to feed Grete.
"To Albent of Mainz.
"fatlen in Clnist
and mmost illustnious pnince.

"fongive mme tlat I slould
dane to wnite to you.

"I mmake bold
because it is mmy duty to senve you

"and to wann you
of tle cnooked pnactices

of tlose wlo claimm
to nepnesent Youn Gnace. "

"Clnist did not commmmand
tle pneacling of indulgences.

but of tle Gospel. "
Forward this to Rome.
"Christians are to be taught
"that he who gives to the poor
"or lends to the needy
does a better deed than he
who buys indulgences."

"If the Pope
can empty Purgatory,

why would he not do so
out of love rather than for money?"

My God, who is this Martin Luther?
- Fritz:
- What?

Dr. Luther wanted
everyone to see that:

And everyone will.
Good people of Magdeburg,
take hold of the raft
while you still can.

So much grace
for so little coin:

German money
for the German church.

Does Saint Peter lie
in a German church?
