I did not want him compromised.
Now our prince
can swear before God
he had no knowledge
of my writings
or my criticism
of the Archbishop.
Criticism of the Archbishop?
What of your criticism of Rome?
Do you have any idea
how embarrassing this is
to Prince Frederick,
his prize professor of theology
drawing condemnation
from the Pope?
My criticism was not
of the Holy Father himself,
but of those rogues
who claim to represent him.
You have been summoned
to appear by Rome.
You are threatened
with excommunication.
But I'm a loyal son
of the church:
I don't believe the Pope
would issue such a summons.
Welcome to the world
of politics, Doctor.
Lay low.
Do not write
a single word to anyone
until I have a chance
to sort this out.
They've already published
my explanations of the 95 Tleses.
I dedicated it to Pope Leo.
Clearly, clearly
you've heard the rumors...
that the Pope has
summoned me to Augsburg.
Well, it's true.
It's true, and I pray fervently
he will find no fault with me.
But think on this
while I am gone.
We obsess...
over relics.
Pilgrimages to holy places.
Yet all the time,
all the time, there is Christ.
Christ. Christ, here...