It was never my intention
to say anything against
the honor and the dignity
of our Holy Father.
Of course not, Brother Martin.
And that being the case,
that we all desire peace,
you only have to follow a few
simple rules of protocol.
When you meet the Cardinal,
you will throw yourself on the floor,
face to the ground.
The Cardinal will tell you to stand,
at which time you will kneel
and remain kneeling
throughout your hearing.
Do you understand?
If the church takes exception
to a single point,
I will submit to her immediately.
But I'm sure when the Cardinal
and Pope Leo
understand my position...
they'll find no fault with me.
We have a misunderstanding.
There will be no discussion.
No debate.
You have one word to say
and one word only.
I recant...
and the matter is over.
I think we do have
a misunderstanding.
I came to Augsburg
to warn the Pope
about the abuses
against the faithful
by the indulgence preachers.
Have a care, Brother Martin.
It is the Pope who shall decide
what is or is not
beneficial to Christendom.
This evening, one word.