Thank you, Excellency.
Brother Martin...
with your permission,
I'm going to arrange a bath for you.
Thank you, Excellency.
My son, I know you desire
to be a faithful servant
of Christ and His church.
I am here to help you.
Stand on your feet, my son.
What do you have to say?
Have I erred?
Yes, you have erred.
That I may avoid such error again.
You have erred
by teaching new doctrines.
Which of my teachings
is offensive to Rome?
For one, indulgences.
Pope Clement's decree,
clearly states that
the merits of Christ
are a treasure of indulgences.
I'm sorry, Your Grace.
I think you'll find it says...
"The merits of Christ acquire
the treasure of indulgences."
I am not here
to wrangle with you.
No, Your Grace.
But Unigenitus was issued
175 years ago,
and were this decree
not so embarrassing to our church,
perhaps it would not be
commonly called Extnavagante
and left out of
most collections of canon law.
It contradicts Anommitanos.
Our present Pope Leo is
in harmony with Clement's decree...
and there ends the matter.