Save me.
I am yours.
Save me.
Speak well, Doctor.
Good luck, Martin.
- Good luck.
- Good luck, Martin.
- God be with you.
- I pray Thee do Thy will.
Order in the hall.
Martin Luther, are you
the author of these writings?
I am.
Do you recant
what you have written here?
I cannot renounce all of my works
because they are not all the same.
First are those books in which
I have described Christian faith
and life so simply that
even my opponents have admitted
that these works are useful.
To renounce these writings
would be unthinkable,
for that would be to renounce
accepted Christian truths.
He is not here
to make speeches,
only to answer.
The second group of my work
is directed against the foul doctrine
and evil living of the Popes,
past and present.
- No:
- Yes:
Through the laws of the Pope
and the doctrines of men,
the consciences of the faithful have
been miserably vexed and flayed.
If I recant these books...
I will do nothing
but add strength to tyranny