The Emperor summons
our princes to Augsburg.
To finish
what he began at Worms.
You mustn't go.
They'll fry you like a suckling pig.
If you die, everything
you stand for dies with you.
All right, what will you say? How will you
make them change their minds?
- I don't know.
- Well, I need to know:
Katie, first they
wanted me to recant.
Now they want half of Europe
to bow the knee.
We must fight:
Let somebody else fight.
Let somebody else be
roasted like a pig:
All I want is Luther.
Break the princes,
and you break Luther.
Their tactics will be to delay,
to bog the process down in detail.
Luther's hymns.
They are.
You must keep the issues
simple, Excellency.
They must accept
there is only one church.
This plague
just goes on spreading.
I should have burned him:
My pninces. Bnotlens in Clnist.
tlis isn't a timme fon caution.
but fon boldness.
Clanles is not tle fnigltened youtl
you saw at Wonmms. Dn. Lutlen.
He las lummbled Fnance
and sacked Romme itself.
Only the Turk
remains a threat to him.
In a word, he has all the time
and resource in the world
to reduce us to a powder
piece by piece,
state by state.
And I think he means to do it.