He'd talk to me only on Saturday.
On weekends it was like old times.
Eventually, Nino stopped
coming over even on Saturdays.
I guess word got around
that he was hanging out with me.
That's when my Aunt Yolanda
became my best friend.
She was something, my aunt.
She wanted to become
an actress, a movie star.
But the famiglia
had other plans for her:
And shortly after
they married her off...
Don't cry, figlio mio.
Yolanda is in heaven now.
After she died, the only thing
that brought me joy was television.
I'd tape my favorite shows,
watch them...
... and write down
every word of the script.
A couple of hours a day I would forget
that I was nothing but a piece of shit.
Unlike me, my sister
was quite popular in high school.
Who knew all those Icesuckles
would pay off one day.
I made it through high school
and decided it was time...
... I tell the world a secret
that was buried inside me.
I'm gonna be a television writer.
My mother still refers to this as:
The day you took 10 years off my life.
So I went to university to study law.
But I quit after three months
of mind-numbing boredom...
... and found a job in the
glamorous world of corporate travel.
A perfect occupation for a
go-getter thirsting to be abused...
... by rich business people
and/or their assistants...
... and/or their assistant's assistants.
I am so sorry, sir.
I take full responsibility.