- Your husband's looking good.
- Thanks.
- So have you spoken to...?
- No. You?
Me neither.
Listen, Maria, what the kids
are going through, it's just a phase!
I hear a lot of guys go through that
when they're teenagers.
- Lina, they're grown men.
- They're late, that's all.
I'm thinking we should have
a dinner party at your place.
You provide the food, I'll bring
this nice Italian girl I know.
- What for?
- For Angelo!
- Anna, is she seeing anyone?
- No.
Good. She's perfect for Nino.
Well, if he could fall for the brother,
he could fall for the sister, no?
- No offense, but this sounds crazy.
- No offense taken.
Is a week from Saturday
good for you?
- Yes.
- Good. A week from Saturday it is.
Oh, I'm so happy
we're friends again!
I've been meaning
to tell you something.
- What?
- Your friend, the guy you live with?
- Angelo?
- Yeah, him.
You know me, I don't listen to gossip,
but my girlfriend's sister...
...has a cousin who works with him,
and let me tell you, everyone's talking.
- About what?
- About...
Don't get me wrong, I don't have
anything against those people.
- Travel agents?
- No, you know.