Angelo isn't a fag.
Even if he was,
I don't see how it concerns you.
I'll tell you how it concerns me.
You live with the guy and you spend
the rest of your time with me.
If they start talking queer
about you, me?
I'm changing partners.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I didn't think you were gonna call me.
- Why not?
Because of the stupid way I acted last
time, bawling my eyes out like an idiot.
I don't think you acted stupid.
Hey. How did your meeting
with Christofaro go?
Don't ask.
That good?
It's funny, you know?
No matter how much I blame
my parents for my neuroses...
...all my happiest memories
are with them.
Family vacations...
...weddings, Sunday get-togethers...