- Time?
- What time?
I spent almost 30 years
in this prison.
This prison of guilt and fear and lies
and I'm not about to come back.
- Angelo, I think that's enough.
- That's right.
Pa is rubbing his stomach.
I wouldn't wanna trigger
one of his psychosomatic attacks.
You think this...
I wouldn't wish this pain
on my worst enemy.
Are you paying close attention,
Nino? Are you?
Because this is gonna be your life
in 20 years.
- Enough, Angelo.
- What's wrong with our lives?
Where would you like me to start?
The only worthwhile thing you did
was leave that spit of a village...
...of yours in Italy to come here.
But you never really left, did you?
When you came,
you brought that village with you...
...and dropped it on your houses
like a ton of bricks.
And then, even after coming all this
way, you spent 30, 40 years...
...reminiscing about your stupid lives
in that spit of a village!
Oh, that's it.
Cry, Ma.
Because unlike Pa, I want to
inflict my pain on all of you.
It's stronger than my guilt right now.
So cry.
Cry over your ingrate son,
over your dead sister...
...or your stupid, worthless life.
Angelo, that's enough!
And there we have it.
The slap.
The end to the quintessential
Italian melodrama.
It's been a lovely evening,
but I really must go.
I hope you all enjoy your lives
in your respective cocoons.
If any of you would like to get in touch
with me, I'll be living in the real world.
Oh, but first,
there's one thing that I must do.