This isn't nervous, this is petrified.
You'll do fine.
Remember, the callers need
to feel that what they're saying...
...is not falling on deaf ears. Okay?
- Okay.
We're not here to give advice
or to judge.
No judging.
Then what's the point?
So do you do this often?
Every Saturday afternoon
like clockwork.
You enjoy listening
to people's problems?
Well, it gets me out of my head
and it's a great way to relax.
Actually, I started doing it because,
like you, I don't like bars...
...and I wanted to meet
interesting people.
- Have you met any?
- Not until today.
- You ready?
- No.
Yes, you are. Go.
Hello. Gay Helpline,
how may I help you?
My parents will kill me if I say
I'm a fag. I can't go on this way!
- Don't tell them.
- But it's killing me.
- Then tell them.
- They'll kill me.
Then you've got nothing to lose,
because either way you're dead, right?
I guess humor is out of the question.
- Just listen and try and feel their pain.
- Feel their pain.
Yes. If someone calls and says,
"Things are really bad right now"...
...you answer, full of compassion,
"Things are really bad right now, huh?"
- Okay?
- Got it.
Gay Helpline, how may I help you?
I never should've taken
those illegal hormones.
You never should have taken
those illegal hormones, huh?
- I'm really depressed.
- You're really depressed, huh?
I don't want the sex change. I'm stuck
with small breasts, a low voice...
...and I can't get an erection.
You're stuck with small breasts
and a low voice...
...and you can't get an erection, huh?
- I ruined my life.
- No kidding!