Marci X

But, as some of you know,
six years ago,

while we were opening
a free clinic in Johannesburg,

she was tragically killed by
a savage South African leopard.

It is in her memory
that I would now like to present
this medal of mercy,

a medal from Marci.
Tonight, this award
goes to my father,

Mr. Ben Feld!
We have problems, sir.
Daddy, where are you going?
Was it the entree?
What's going on?
Marci, incoming.
This way, Miss Feld.
Daddy, what is wrong? I...
Shh! Sweetheart, sit.
The corporate crisis
centering on Ben Feld

has begun to escalate
out of control.

I got here as
fast as I could.

Daddy, what is this?
Daddy's busy.
...include the notorious
urban record label

called Felony Assault.
Earlier today,
that label released

a new CD by controversial
gangsta rap star Dr. S.

Dr. S has been
a hard-core success...

I don't know this person.
He's a rapper.
His songs are known
for their extreme sexual

and often violent content.
His latest release, however,
is by far his most provocative.
Controversy is erupting,
protesters are converging

on Feldco headquarters
in Manhattan.

An angry mob is calling for
blood, specifically the blood

of mogul Ben Feld...
Oh, Daddy, is that your picture?
...honored tonight
as a great humanitarian.

I am here with senator
and leading media watchdog
Mary Ellen Spinkle.

Oh, no.
I am appalled.
Is she wearing
a helmet?

I am outraged.
I am so disgusted
that I can barely speak...
but I will.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God!
This recording
is unspeakably offensive,

not just to all Americans,
but to all human beings

I will not quote the lyrics
because, as a Christian,
