Okay, I will tell you this.
Everyone should really watch
the MTV Awards tomorrow night,
because you are going to see
a whole new Dr. S.
He's really not about
sex and violence, not anymore.
He's all about love.
we rented Kate and Leopold.
Global Premiere Video.
I'm a woman of color
Color me blue
Because I fell in love
With an asshole like you
I hate you, bitch Marci
Look at you! Who's my daddy?
Well, I really
shouldn't allow this,
but remember, it's
just for tonight,
and after the show,
I want him right back
here in his bed.
But the MTV Awards?
Iast week you told me that
you wished you had a son.
I was upset. I was... crazy.
-I never should have said that.
-It's okay.
You were right.
You need someone
that people respect.
Someone real.
Daddy, tonight,
I think you're going
to see that finally,
after all these
years, just maybe...
I can be that person.
Of course you can, baby.
Oh, and there's someone
I want you to meet--
someone who has made
all the difference.
Oh, Daddy,
he is so wonderful.
Bring your medication.
We're here live
at the MTV Awards,
and the question
on everyone's mind is,
Dr. S-- will he apologize?
Is he over,
or is he just getting started?
Senator Spinkle.
If Dr. S has not completely
changed his so-called music,
tonight will be the end of him