Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Put that woman down, Slade! This is a ship
of His Majesty's Navy, not a floating bordello!

All hands, get these provisions stowed.
Well done.
- To wives and to sweethearts.
- To wives and sweethearts.

May they never meet.
Mr Howard, the bottle.
The bottle stands by you, sir.

Excuse me, sir, but Mr Blakeney said that
you served under Lord Nelson at the Nile.

Indeed. I was a young lieutenant,
not much older than you are now.

And Mr Pullings... mr Pullings
was a snivelling midshipman,

still yearning for hearth and home.
Did you meet him, sir?
Can you tell me what he's like?

I have had the honour
of dining with him twice.

He spoke to me on both occasions.
A master tactician
and a man of singular vision.

He always said in battle... "Never mind
the manoeuvres, just go straight at 'em."

Some would say not a great seaman,
but a great leader.

He's England's only hope
if old Boney intends to invade.

Sir, might we press you
for an anecdote?

The first time that he spoke to me...
I shall never forget his words.
I remember it like it was yesterday.

He leaned across the table,
he looked me straight in the eye,

and he said "Aubrey...
may I trouble you for the salt?"

I've always tried to say it
exactly as he did ever since.
