Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Well... it's an unfortunate
business, Hollom.

Damned unfortunate.
- That'll be all.
- Yes, sir.

- I am not a flogging captain.
- Hollom is a scapegoat

for all the bad luck,
real or imagined, on this voyage.

Mr Lamb? If you please.
They're exhausted.
These men are exhausted.

You've pushed them too hard.
Stephen, I invite you
to this cabin as my friend.

Not to criticise nor to comment
on my command.

Well, shall I leave you until
you're in a more harmonious frame of mind?

- What would you have me do?
- Tip the ship's grog over the side.

- Stop their grog?
- Nagle was drunk when he insulted Hollom.

Stop 200 years
of privilege and tradition.

I'd rather have them three sheets to the wind
than face a mutiny.

I'm rather understanding of mutinies.
Men pressed from their homes, confined
for months aboard a wooden prison...

I respect your right to disagree with me,
but I can only afford one rebel on this ship.

I hate it when you talk of the service
in this way. It makes me so very low.

You think I want to flog Nagle?
A man who hacked the ropes
that sent his mate to his death?

Under my orders?
Do you not see? The only things that keep
this wooden world together are hard work...

Jack, the man failed to salute.
There's hierarchies even in nature.
- There is no disdain in nature. There is no...
- Men must be governed!

Often not wisely,
but governed nonetheless.

That's the excuse of every tyrant in history,
from Nero to Bonaparte.

I, for one, am opposed to authority.
It is an egg of misery and oppression.

You've come to the wrong shop
for anarchy, brother.
