Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Come on, pack up your things.
We should be going.

- Back to camp, sir?
- No, to the other side of the island.

- But, sir, that must be at least ten miles.
- Then there's not a moment to lose.

That's where I saw
my flightless cormorant.

Come on.
Seven inches in length.
Four inches wide.
15-inches-Iong neck.
Width at the widest point...
six inches.

Padeen, put the net down
and use your hands. They won't bite.

Here's a good one.
Pick them up carefully.
Sir, I think we should be getting back.
Naval discipline doesn't operate out here,
Mr Blakeney. I must find that cormorant.

And should it indeed prove flightless,
you can join me at the Royal Society dinner
as co-discoverer.
