Matchstick Men

Either the Chevy Blazer, the Paris...
- Do you have a water filtration system?
- One of them faucet filters? No, sir. I don't.

- Well, do you read the papers or watch TV?
- Sometimes, yeah.

Well, then you've probably
seen our advertisements.

The government is gonna
make you pay a tax on the prize.

But if you buy the Waterson 2000
water filtration system...

...the prize gets recorded as a sales
expense, and you don't pay any tax.

- Good deal, huh?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- And then I get the trip to Paris?

You're guaranteed one
of those three prizes.

I'm gonna have a courier come to your
house. You're gonna give him a check.

He's gonna come to me, and then we'll
decide which one of those prizes you get.

See how that works?
- How much do I pay?
- Three hundred ninety-eight dollars even.

- You'd pay twice that in stores.
- I need to speak to my husband.

Irene, my supervisor just stepped into my
office and he would love to talk to you.

Can you hold just a sec? Thanks, Irene.
- Good morning.
- Who says so?

Irene Fisk. She wants to talk
to her husband first.

Mrs. Fisk, John Goodhew,
regional vice president.

Which prize are you hoping for?

- Paris.
- That would be my choice too.

We've never been.
My associate tells me
you have five grandkids? Wow.

I understand you'd like to speak
to your husband first about this...

...but the thing is, my secretary
is having a baby this afternoon.

Everyone at the office is about
to head to the hospital.

Well, that's wonderful.
Let me confirm your address
for our courier service.

All right.
Sorry, sorry.
Any thoughts on lunch?
Spicy calamari?
Thai food?
