Matchstick Men

Do you mind eating?
It's just I'd feel better
somewhere indoors.

I get uncomfortable sometimes
being outside.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- You're staring.
- I'm sorry.

It's okay. I used to do it too.
Looked at your picture,
see if I got your nose, your eyes.

Mom used to say I got lucky
and only got your elbows.

Thought you weren't hungry.
If you're gonna get wet,
might as well go swimming.

- So you're in school, right?
- Not now. It's summer.

Oh, yeah. Okay, that's right.
If I had anything to do over again,
I would've worked harder in school.

You drop out?
That how you ended up a criminal?
I'll take it, Mike.
It's okay, you know. Whatever you do.
Everybody's done something bad
in their life.

I'm in antiques.
Make it a career, it's just a bunch
of something strung together.

Cut the shit. I'm not a criminal.
What? What was that word
you used? Shit?

Hey, that...
You're not supposed to talk like that.
Hey, hey. Hey.
- I just... I have things a certain way.
- Okay.

Wait. That's her car in the driveway.
You gotta stop here. Stop!
