Matchstick Men

When it's sterling versus dollars and...
For some people, money is...
Money is a foreign film without subtitles.
- Frank.
- Where do you want to meet, sexy?

What do you mean, "where"?
Where else? The Rhino.

- One hour.
- Hey, you don't wanna get there early?

I gotta go.
Remember me?
- You just in the neighborhood?
- Took the bus. Think I could come in a sec?

- One, two, three.
- Nice!

It's nice, your place.
Could you watch the carpet, please?
Could you please take your shoes off?
Oh, yeah, sorry.
So, what's going on?
Mom and I had sort of a fight.
Happens once in a while.

I usually take off for a day or two
to let her calm down.

Take off?
Normally, I go to Carrie's,
only she's on vacation.

And I thought, since we seemed
to hit it off so well last time...
