Matchstick Men

What is it, "my house is your house"?
Get back.
Hello, Roy.
- Hiya, sunshine.
- Go wait in your room, honey.

Let her stay.
She's in this as much as you are.

It's Angela, right?
Your mug shot doesn't do you justice.
You wanna sit down?

- Lf you come anywhere near her...
- Don't play tough. I'm in your home.

Roy, I'm sorry, man.
Shut up!
How did you find me?
I didn't.
I found her in black and white.
Airport security cameras, Roy,
they got a nice look at her.

That was sloppy.
- There were no cameras in the lounge.
- No.

There were in the gift shop. In my business,
it pays to have friends on the force.

Your girl is in their books.
Your ex-wife doesn't know well enough
not to give out your address.

We only hurt the ones we love, huh?
You look white as a ghost, Roy.
I don't want you to pass out...

...before you make your first payment.
First let's have the money you took.

- I don't have it.
- Well, let's start with what you do have!

- Four thousand, maybe.
- Where?

The dog.
Stop! Let her get it.
You stay here with me.

It's okay. It's okay, honey, go.
- Run, Angela! Run!
- Run, and Daddy's dead right now!

Okay, okay.
Next, I get half of whatever
you make from now on.

If not, I call my cop friends,
and your little girl goes to juvy till she's 18.

- I'm out. I'm done with this.
- You're not done, Roy.
