"Mala leche."Colloquial metaphor. Ill-intentioned person.
Dictionary ofthe Spanish langguagge
Royal Academy of Spain.
Fucking hot out here.
Fucking hot.
How come you couldn't score a piece, mothefrucker?.
I told you the cocksucker wasn't there.
Don't get dramatic.
Yeah, you didn't get one cause
you're a total pussy, a jack-off.
Chill, man.
Look at this big fucker.
Hey, there it is, Bug-Eyes, there's the signal.
You're gonna chicken out, mothefrucker
Shut up, mothefrucker Look, man, there it is.
Learn how to read, ya ugly fuck.
Let's get up there, c'mon, climb, mothefrucker
Aren't you an agile fuck?.
I can't get over this fucker.
Wait. - Mothefruckerl.
Over here.
Can you see?.
Hey bro....
Once a guy told me that...
in these hospitals they would eat
these big fucking rabbits
with some fucking choppers like this and these red
eyes, mothefrucker.
You're fucking stoned.
Youre full of shit.