Mauvais esprit

Hey, man.
Jesus, you look like shit, man.
Hello, Mama.
Let's go.
Hello, son.
What happened to your face?.
Mothefrucker...we need a gun...mothefrucker
What happened, man?.
Nothing, I ran into that cocksuckerYao..
He said
if we didn't return the money, man,
he's gonna burn down our house.
he's gonna burn my house down, man!
You're shitting me?.
No man
and the worst is that it's for this Saturday, man.
This Saturday.
This Saturday man!
Ahh mothefrucker, I told you.
we had to get us a fucking gun..
...a homemade piece, I don't know a 38,
Iike the fucking cops have, man.
Where are we gonna get us a gun, man?.
Who knows, mothefrucker...
I was thinking of this guy Marmota, man.
This guy has contacts in jail, man.
Fucker, let's not get in any deeper
I don't want to go back to the can ever again, man.
No one's going to jail..
I'm more involved in this than you, man.
I'm gonna be a daddy, you know.
So if you don't wanna get involved in this,
I go alone, man..
get that into your head, mothefrucker
Relax, man...we're partners or no, man?.
How can I relax, to relax.
Let's do this radio bullshit..
Let's go do it now, man
Got any cash?.
What are you asking about cash?.
That cocksucker left me with zip.
Calm down...
Take your fucking jacket, man. Let's go.
Let's do it.
Let's do it.
I'm bummed out with this bullshit, man.
