Get a load of this. It's fine, mothefrucker!
She is pretty!
It's pefrect, mothefrucker.
Wow... she's pretty man. This chrome is the fucking
finest, mothefrucker.
Nice radio.
Man, it has some fine ass headlights.
How would you look there, Carlos, eh?.
This mothefrucker is like the Batmobile, man.
Give me the tool.- Let's see, easy does it.
There it is, mothefrucker
Ah this is fucking fine, man.
The radio, man.
Yeah, get in. Get in!
Don't, Carlos. Let's keep going with just the
radios...Come on.
Get in the other side, man.
Carlos what are you doing?.
You wanna steal the car man?.
Get down...the cops...
Stay down.
Are we fucking up here, Carlos?.
Nothing's gonna happen, you fucking faggot...
I don't wanna go to jail again, man.
Shut up, mothefrucker
What'd you do, mothefrucker?.
It started, man!
We're off!
Crazy mothefrucker.
Yeah man, let's fuck with this beautiful mothefrucker
Let's go.
Let's go already.