Look, $55, man.
No, man. Tell him $60.
Listen, relax. $55 cause I know you, man.
Relax, relax. Who's doing this deal?.
Ah, he's jerking you off, man.
Heh, who is this asshole?.
$55...$55, fine!
$ 55 or no?.
$ 55 or no?.
Who you doing this business with?.
With you, man. $55... Give it here and I'll give you the
radios...They're yours.
This couple ain't working so well together
Don't worry. They're gonna buy them.
Yeah, Mustard, pass me $55 here.
You gonna buy them or not?.
Here, I'm not gonna get dizzy counting...How much?.
Yeah, count them good.
5 and 5. That's it, man.
OK, man.
Let's go. That's mighty fine.
Bye. See you around.
You always fuck me over, you cocksucker.
You sly mothefrucker.
Yeah, man. See you around. Bye.
Don't worry. We'll see you around, Pedro.
I still managed to fuck you, man.
Still $55 ain't too fucking bad, man.
Yeah, those radios weren't so good, man.
I even dropped the fucking backpack, man.
Relax, mothefrucker. Check it out.
Ah, you fucked the Cherokee.
I fucked the mothefrucker.
Yeah, you're one bad mothefrucker.
But heh, Cherokee is my fucking friend, man.
What's the problem?. He deserved it that
mothefrucking cocksucker.
Wow, that's fucking fine, man.
Yeah, relax. Put it away.
He wanted to fuck us over.
I don't know if we can sell it back to him, man.
Nah, we could sell it to some other cocksucker and
fine, done...fucking no problem.
Fucking right.You got another idea.
I got plenty of them, man. Let's go...there's plenty,
Go ahead.
Knock off bars and restaurants, mothefrucker- Or
whatever like that
What are you saying?.
Yeah, man. I'm telling you.There's no guards.
People don't expect it.
And there's plenty of cash there... plenty
Yeah, you crazy mothefruck. But I don't get your plan.
You do it at night...get it?.
There's plenty of cash there.