I will speak.
Yoshimura-sensei served
my father, Jiroemon Ono.
The sin of an underling
is the sin of his master.
lf Kaichiro has to kill himself, so do I.
Is that your wish?
Come on.
Are you all right?
I'm sorry you had to do that for me,
Squire Chiaki.
I couldn't stand to see
Kaichiro lose heart that way.
Starting with Kaichiro,
the rest of the family...
...were driven from the clan's domain
to seek refuge with relatives.
Wind chimes!
Wind chimes for sale!
Well done.
Kanichiro Yoshimura!
2 ryo, 3 bu, 3 shu.
Well done.
My humble thanks.
Tatsunosuke Nishimura!
Thank you!