I was in California once. How do you
get work done with all that sunshine?
- We tan in class.
- Really?
You know, not everybody
wanted you.
I'm not naming any names.
These jobs usually go quickly.
Ex-students, friends of, you know...
...the right people.
The person they wanted took a job at
Brown, and no one else was available.
So here you are.
You can go in now. Good luck.
Your first class left a lot
to be desired, Miss Watson.
And I'm curious about the subject
of your dissertation.
You suggest, "Picasso will do
for the 20th century...
...what Michelangelo did
for the Renaissance," unquote.
In terms of influencing movements.
So these canvases that
they're turning out these days...
...with paint dripped
and splotched on them...
...they're as worthy of our attention
as Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel?
I'm not comparing them.
Have you ever seen
the Sistine Chapel, Miss Watson?
Actually stood there?
I've never been to Europe.
I can assure all of you this is the place
I want to be more than anything.