Mona Lisa Smile

... our nurse, has been distributing
contraception to Wellesley girls.

This revelation is disturbing
to an institution...

... that prides itself on propriety.
Go, go, go! Go, go!
It's been going on since the late '80s.

- Whoever wins is first to marry!
- Do the girls take it literally?

Only the girl with the winning hoop.
Oh, look, it's Phyllis Nayor!

Good for her. It gets me every time.
- Why the buggies?
- They've got their man.

They're wishing for their babies.
Have you seen this?
What is it?
It's a front-page attack on Amanda
Armstrong. Betty Warren wrote it.

"By providing contraception
on demand, our school nurse...

:22:11 little more than a cheerleader
for promiscuity." Wow.

Oh, they're not going to dump her
in a lake!

- I'm coming, Phyllis!
- Have you seen this?

I wouldn't worry. Betty's just
a young girl flexing her muscles.

So was Lizzie Borden,
and her mother wasn't president...

...of the alumnae association.
- Would somebody get that girl a towel!

- That's her mother?
- Apple, tree.

Is Amanda going to get into trouble?
Amanda needs to start
minding her p's and q's.

The trick to surviving Wellesley
is never getting noticed.

Ciao, Mona Lisa.
The big war hero.
He thinks he's something special.
He sleeps with his students.
The gold is fine.
The napkin rings are vulgar.

The glassware should be trimmed
with gold.
