Five years ago,
they'd have slapped my wrist.
But now there's a committee
for the protection of everything.
They think you're dangerous?
Oh, no, darling. No. Subversive.
It's gotten to the point...
...where you don't know
who is protecting whom from what.
Or should that be "from whom"?
Well, whom gives a damn anyway?
They're doing me a favor really.
Will you be all right?
Better than that.
I should really have left
when Josephine died.
Nothing left to love
here anymore. So...
- Miss Watson?
- Yes. I'm back here.
I've never been to this part
of campus before. Where are we?
No man's land. So to speak.
Come on in.
What's all this?
Different things different days.
People who inspire me,
artists I admire, editorials I don't.
So you came to see me.
- You gave me a C.
- I'm kind.
The assignment was to write
about Bruegel. I did that.
- No, what you did was copy Strauss.
- I was referencing an expert.
If I wanted to know what he thought,
I'd buy his book.