Mona Lisa Smile

Katherine, this place needs you.
I don't know how the hell they let
you in, but I'm sure glad they did.

The things I said to President Carr.
She'll never let me back in.

She's a pretty good egg.
What things?
Don't worry.
Time will heal it.
Unless, of course, you want to go back
to California and that fiancé of yours.

We're not engaged. Thanks.
Sorry I interrupted your class.
I wanted to give you this.
It was for Christmas, and...

Then I met your man, so I...
The Sistine Chapel.
Venus de Milo. And...
... Mona Lisa.
Thank you.
This is gonna be
a three-in-one shot. Ready?

You didn't even try.
This game is probably a no-no
in the Better Homes and Gardens.

Not that I have ever been in the
better homes and gardens. Have you?

No. No, I'm just an old soldier.
They don't invite us.
