Mona Lisa Smile

Miss Watson. Come in.
Seven law schools within 45 minutes
of Philadelphia.

You can study and get dinner
on the table by 5:00.

- It's too late.
- No. Some accept late admissions.

- I was upset at first.
- Joan, the guests.

When Tommy told me that he got
accepted to Penn, I thought:

"Her fate is sealed.
How can she throw it all away?"

I realized you won't have to. You
could bake your cake and eat it too.

We're married.
We eloped over the weekend.
Turned out he was petrified
of a big ceremony...

:28:44 we did a sort of
spur-of-the-moment thing.

Very romantic.
It's beautiful.
It was my choice. Not to go.
He would have supported it.

- But you don't have to choose.
- No, I have to.

I want a home, a family.
It's not something I'll sacrifice.

No one's asking you
to sacrifice that, Joan.

I just want you to understand
that you can do both.

Think I'll wake up one day
and regret not being a lawyer?

Yes, I'm afraid that you will.
Not as much as I'd regret not having
a family. Not being there to raise them.

I know exactly what I'm doing, and
it doesn't make me any less smart.

- This must seem terrible to you.
- I didn't say that. L...

Sure you did. You always do.
You stand in class and tell us to look
beyond the image, but you don't.

To you, a housewife is someone who
sold her soul for a center hall colonial.

She has no depth,
no intellect, no interests.

You're the one who said
I could do anything I wanted.

This is what I want.
