I aIways wanted to be
in the movies
When I was IittIe I thought for sure
1 day, I couId be a big big star...
Or maybe just beautifuI...
BeautifuI and rich,
Iike the women on TV
Yeah, I had a Iot of dreams
And I guess you can
caII me a reaI romantic
Because I truIy beIieve that
one day...they'II come true
So I dream about it for hours
As the years went by,
I Iearnt to stop sharing this with people
They said I was dreaming
But back then, I beIieved
it whoIe heartiIy
So whenever I was down,
I would just escape into my mind
To my other Iive, where
I was someone eIse
It made me happy to think
that aII these peopIe...
just didn't know yet
who I was gonna be
But 1 day they'II aII see
I heard that MariIyn Monroe
was discovered in a soda shop
And I thought for sure,
it couId be Iike that
So I started growing up
reaI young...
And I aIways secretIy Iooking
for who is gonna discover me?
Was it this guy?
Or maybe this one?
You never knew
But even if they couIdn't take me
aII the way ... Iike MariIyn
They wouId somehow
beIieve in me just enough
They wouId see me for what I couId
be, and think I was beautifuI