Can I buy you that drink?
I got my own money
I'II have a pitcher, whatever
she's having
Look, I'm not gay aIrite?
Well, it makes sense
So what are you doing
here then?
My truck broke down, I'm a ...
I got a pressure cIeaning
What's pressure cIeaning?
You know steam cIean?
Upholstery, carpets,
you know, shit like that
So I'm just getting out of the rain
My name is SeIby
You owe me change!
I'm out of here
Oh, are you sure?
Get your fucking hands off
me! you dumb dyke...
I'm not gonna fuck you
for fucking beer ok
Stop wasting your fucking
I wasn't trying to fuck
I just wanna taIk to you
I thought that if I bought you
some beer maybe you'II taIk to me
I just trying to have one
decent night out, you know ..
Just taIk to someone before
I've to go back to my parents cIoset
I'm sorry
You don't have to stay
So are you reaIIy a
steam cIeaner?
No, I'm not