I don't reaIise he was gonna
be here
This girl in my church, she toId
everyone that I tried to kiss her
So my parents
basically disowned me
And I decided to come down here
and try to figure somethings out
Then this happened
before I could get a job
How Iong do you have to stay on?
Not too much Ionger
But my dad had to pay my medicaI biIIs
So I made a deaI with him,
that I would go back
Which ...you know...it...probabIy
for the best...maybe it'll work
Maybe he'II be able to save my
souI and aII that
WeII I bet you twenty, I'II beat
your ass in a race, rite now
Oh no...
Oh yeah, me and you are gonna
hit the floor rite now
Serious I can't skate
You gotta heIp me
I know, I've gotcha, come on
There you got it
You better not Iet
me break my other arm
See you can do this
Your're very good, man
You think you can you do by yourseIf?
-There you go
Feel the music
You having fun?
There you go turn, turn
Oh, man I Iove this song
Oh I Iove it too
Just Iike that
Oh I can't do that
Yeah you can