So just trying to make...
some cash somehow, you know
Maybe I can heIp you out
Yeah what you got?
I don't know,
how about say 10 bucks?
I Iike to have $25
straight up
If that do in the Iaundry
Look, man, I'm not a fucking
novice shampoo gaI here, ok
I'm the reaI deaI,
aIrite, so Iet's see it
Oh man, I'm taIking about
the cash, aIrite
Ok sorry
Hey lady love, need a ride?
What timeyou got?
Quater 6
hey man, don't go too far
No, I just want a IittIe privacy,
you know, I don't wanna get busted
Shit me either
What do you think, man?
So how about we make
it quick I suck you 20 huh?
No, I wanna fuck
Alrite man, 30, straight up
Hang on gaI