My Life Without Me

Girls, you've got to put on
your jackets.

Mommy, do I have to tell Patsy
where babies come from?

-I think she's too little.
-She is too little.

Can you put on your jacket first?
They opened a swimming pool
business in Wilmington Drive.

-No way.

I know.
-Good luck.
-Yeah, thank you.

Can you...
You pick up the girIs from school,

because I might not be back
till later.

-Yeah, sure. No problem.
-Okay. Guys?

Put on your hats
and gloves, okay?

I'm going to warm up the car and we're
going to be gone in two minutes, okay?

Two minutes. Yes!
I want you to help Patsy
with hers as well, okay?

So get yours on and help.
-Bye, guys. Have a good day.
-Bye, Mom.

I got you, I got you.
I'm hanging out some wash. You got
anything you want me to hang out?

Ann, are you in there?
Put your cIothes in the bag,
and put on the robe.

Do you know
if this is going to take long?

-I'm supposed to pick up my kids.
-I really have no idea.

Can I just go tell my Mom
to pick them up for me?

We can't make any exceptions.
Is your mother outside?
Yeah, she came with me.
Ann Matland.

-I forgot to tell her.
-I'll see what I can do.
