I'm sorry, that was my last one...
Next week
I'll have more... candy.
Your Dad used to drink a bottle
of bourbon and call it breakfast.
You get wired if you drink
so much as a beer.
You didn't even take drugs
during high school,
just the odd drag
of Don's joint.
Without inhaling, like that guy who used
to be President of the United States,
that guy Bill Clinton.
So, were they waiting long?
Oh, good.
Good, thanks a lot, Mom.
I owe you one.
No, no, they're doing
blood analysis.
Apparently I've got anaemia...
that's why I've been fainting.
You know they're like, once they've
got you, they don't want to let you go.
Trying out some new machine,
they're like little kids.
You know, I should go, Mom,
'cause the nurse is coming to get me,
I've got to go.
Okay, bye, thanks a lot.
Now you feel like you want to take
all the drugs in the world.
But all the drugs in the world
aren't going to change the feeling
that your whole life's been a dream
and it's only now that you're waking up.
"But I like to eat cake in a tub",
laughed the cat.
"You should try it sometime",
laughed the cat as he sat.
And then I got mad,
there was no time for fun.
I said "Cat you get out!"
Hi, Mommy.
Hi. You've been good?
Mom, can you tell us a story?
Daddy says it too fast.
Hey. Thanks a lot. You little monster.
I don't read them too fast.
-How are you?
-Good. I've got anaemia,
that's why I've been fainting,
so they gave me some iron and vitamins.
How did it go with Lance?