Mystic River

I can't believe we're talking about
Just Ray Harris.

How about this? We've interviewed

...canvassed people
who were in the bar.

We've run into more than a few of them
who were questioned...

...before us by one or more
of the Savage brothers.

-So the Savages are not policemen, Jim.

-Some people don't talk to policemen, Sean.
-With all due respect...

...and just so we're clear,
this is our case.

-How long?
-How long what?

How long before you catch
my daughter's killer?

You bargaining with us?
You giving us a deadline?
We'll speak for Katie, Mr. Markum.
If that's okay with you.

Just find my daughter's killer, sergeant.
I'm not standing in your way.

The last thing we need is Markum
and the Savages putting the fear of God...

-...into the neighborhood.
-We grew up terrified of them.

Eleven months apart, like their mother ran
a loose-cannon factory.

Fucking knuckleheads.
Ballistics are in on the Markum murder.
-Yeah, you got a match?
-You're gonna love it.

It's a perfect match.
Gun was a .38 Smith.

Part of a lot stolen from a gun dealer
in New Hampshire in 1982.

The same gun that killed Katherine Markum
was used in a liquor-store holdup in 1984.

-In Buckingham.
-The Flats?

Rome Basin. Place called Looney Liquors.
I pulled the file.

It was a two-man job.
They fired a warning shot into a wall.

-That's where the bullet got pulled.
-Nice work.

Thought you'd like that.
