Mystic River

He asks the nurse,
"Hey, where they keep the Coke machine?"

-Did she tell him?
-Tom, what do we got on the car so far?

We found the registration in the glove box.
Owner is Katherine Markum.

-Oh, shit.
-You know her?

Maybe. Might be the daughter
of a guy I know.

We found a wallet and a license
in a backpack. She's 19.

-Oh, fuck, that's her.
-Is it a problem? You close with the guy?

When we were kids. Now it's just
a "hello" around the neighborhood.

Fuck, man.
He's in for a world of hurt.
Do not make her laugh.
Door was ajar when we found it,
headlights on.

Blood on the driver's door, speaker,
more blood on top of the steering wheel...

...around this bullet hole. Punched through
the driver's seatback, shoulder level.

Okay, perp stood outside the car...
...girl slams him with the door,
perp gets a round off...

...hits her in the shoulder, maybe the bicep.
She runs for it
through the trampled weeds....

-What do you think?
-Yeah, I dig that.

Body of Christ.
-Body of Christ.

My God, Jimmy, our baby.
Body of Christ.
