Mystic River

When was the last time
you saw Katie Markum?

-You don't think I'd hurt her do you?
-She isn't hurt. She's dead.

-I didn't kill her.
-Again, when's the last time you saw her?

About 8--
Saturday night, about 8:00.

About like 8, Brendan, or at 8?
It was about 8.
We had a couple slices at Hi-Fi,
and she had to go meet Eve and Diane.

Yeah. Why doesn't Jimmy Markum
like you?

I don't know.
But he told Katie he never wanted her
to see me or any other Harris.

What? That thief thinks he's better
than our family?

-He's not a thief.
-He's a thief! A scumbag burglar.

Daughter probably had the same bad gene.
You count yourself lucky, Bren.

So Katie had some brochures for Vegas.
We heard she was going there with you.

We were gonna leave Sunday.
We were gonna get married
when we got there.

Well, that was the plan, right?
You were gonna leave me?
Without a word?

-Ma, I was gonna tell you.
-Just like your father, huh?

That's my brother, Ray,
and his friend John.

-Hey, boys.

He don't speak.
Father couldn't shut up, but his son's
a mute. Oh, yeah, life's fucking fair.

They're here about Katie. Why don't you
go watch TV or something.

So where were you between 12:30
and 2 a.m. on Sunday morning, Brendan?
