National Lampoon Presents Dorm Daze

My last final's on Saturday.
I can't leave until then.

Come on, Lynne.
Let's go yell at Styles.

No prostitute is coming into this dorm
if I have anything to say about it.

- Hey, Adrienne.
- Gerri, how was the spelunking trip?

It was tough
but sort of interesting.

What's this?
From the university.

Maybe your appeal went through.
I wish. There's no way I'm getting
my scholarship back for next semester.

My grades were true shit.
- Who's the package from?
- I don't know.

I knew it. They rejected the appeal.
Oh, well. So much for college.

- What are you gonna do?
- I don't see that there's--

Have a great holiday, too.
- Hey, guys. What's up?
- Hi, Claire.

Gerri, I'm going to the gym.
It's cardio-abs day. Wanna come?

- That was close.
- Explanation?

I kinda borrowed Claire's
favorite handbag without asking,

and I have no idea where I left it.
I'm trying to avoid her
until I can find it.

Or maybe she'll forget
about it over Christmas.

Yeah, you're screwed.
Do me a favor? A foreign exchange
student's meeting me here soon,

but I have to run down to work.
- Could you meet her for me?
- I'd like to, but I got a lot of--

Hey, Wang.
Hey, have you seen Adrienne?

No. Could you do me a favor?
Yeah. Maybe later, buddy.
- You lose his bag, too?
- We kinda hooked up last night.

Shut up!
I was depressed.

I was hitting on Foosball all night
and he was totally ignoring me.

- lsn't Foosball gay?
- No!
