and I can't find her anywhere.
You wanna help me?
- What's it about?
- Just some melodramatic crap.
My character knocks up
Adrienne's character.
In this scene, it's us fighting.
I don't know what
to do with a baby.
It's driving me nuts!
Of course I want her
to have the abortion,
but she won't listen to me.
So, I've made it up
in my mind to dump her.
Oh, God! Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
Tony got clair pregnant and wants her to
get an abortion or he's gonna dump her!
Oh, my God!
Hello? Dominique.
All right,
I'll be right down.
I'll catch you later. If you see Adrienne,
tell her I'm looking for her.
What's wrong with you?
Stop being such a lame-ass.
Leave me alone!
I love Rachel!
- Hello?
- Who is this?
- Who's this?
- This is Wang.
I'm gonna give you to the count
of three to get out of there.
Booker. why are you
answering my phone?
- You're not mom!
- One...
- I'm busy. What do you want?
- Two...
I was trying to reach Foosball to see
how things went with Dominique.
- Three.
- Everything go okay?
Stop pressuring me!