National Lampoon Presents Dorm Daze

Who's this?
Some goon Pete is friends with.
Don't worry, he doesn't speak English.

- Are you kidding?
- No, I'm pretty sure. Jackass?

Do you understand a word
I'm saying to you,

or is your brain pierced, too?
Perfect. Okay, about Tony,
we know what's been going on.

You guys think Tony's beating me,
right? That's what this is about?

- Don't try to lie about it.
- Or the baby.

We overheard him talking to Foosball.
We know he's beating you because he
doesn't want you to have the baby.

Well, honey, we're here for you.
What baby?
Claire...the one in your womb.
Seriously, Marla,
I'm not pregnant.

- Are you sure?
- Yes!

Tony must've been talking
about a different girl!

He's beating Claire
over the frustration over his mistress!

He's not beating me,
and no one is pregnant.

I'm gonna settle this, okay?
You guys just wait here,
and I'm gonna go talk to Tony.

So, I let Nick Stuckis
