National Security

...away with you in his car, probably
holding you at gunpoint. Am I correct?

Amazing. You are very, very good.
Wait a second. This is crazy.
I wasn't out for revenge.

Shut the hell up! Just shut the hell up.
I'm tired of your goddamn lies.

I got a restraining order saying you can't
get within 100 feet of this guy.

So I don't really give a damn what
you have to say. All I need from you...

:31:29 your testimony and his ass
goes back to prison. Tomorrow.

Nothing would make me happier than
to see this man go back to prison.

For the heartache...
...and the trauma.
One time he took the club
and he switched it around...

...with the handle sticking out
and bop, right there.

Can you see that little cut,
right there? Anyway...

What happens is it makes
me start saying incoherent...

You know, I'm liable to spurt that out.
Just incoherent shit. Bitch!

I apologize.
My doctor said I'm not getting
proper oxygen up through here.

They said pump it and breathe.
And it's sort of like that sneaker.
It's a weird exercise.
Anyway, nothing would make me
happier than to see him go to prison.

- Wait a second here!
- Get back, bitch!

- Shut the hell up, Hank, and I mean it!
- You... The violence.

Let me calm myself.
Unfortunately, certain details
of your story are slightly skewed.

What do you mean, skewed?
...did not come back for revenge.
- Thank you.
- He came back to apologize.
