I'll just get to the point.
This isn't just your personal matter
The fate of the city is in our hands.
I need you here.
Come to your senses!
Welcome to Muyoga Station.
What? I told you not to interrupt.
A Code Red is in effect
in L032 at NEUCOM.
Relax, guys.
Don't do anything stupid.
Seal up the main control area!
You heard him. Hurry!
Close up the outer walls!
Closing all the walkways
into the main control.
Activate all the combat cyborgs.
Target the MPs.
You've got 5 minutes.
Okay, okay. I'll do it myself.
Noma, Cyper got to Dr. Noh.
It's too late. He's aiming for
the main control center.
A Muyoga charter, N337, for KOYO,
is departing in an hour.
All passengers proceed to gate 27.
A Code Red! It's an emergency!
Notice to all MPs.