-Andrea? lt's Claudia. What's up?
-No news. Nothing.
-Call him.
Let him answer my emails,
l'm not going begging.
Maybe he heard something.
Fifty year-olds freak when they feel
threatened by a younger man.
Be kind and give him a call.
He's 44, Claudia.
And has been conducting long enough
to know what goes on in an orchestra.
He knows several are willing
to do you a favour.
Yeah, young...
and stupid. Sleep with them once
and they think they own you.
You can't even rehearse in peace.
Girl, you're not getting
any younger yourself.
Carlos is offering you
First Cello in Seville.
-lt's way to get back to Spain.
-Sure, but Spain's no prize for me.
First, he's got to work things out
with his ex. l won't be his lover.
l've got Joaquin for that, and
he's 100 percent married.
-Who, the gardener from upstairs?
-Claudia, l gotta hang up...
something's wrong with the computer.
l'll call support.
-l'll call you later.
You're an angel! Sorry to bother
you, but l just don't get it.
lt's not your fault.
These cloned computers...